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Overcoming Creative Burnout

The word ‘burnout’ has become quite the buzzword recently.  According to HelpGuide.org:  ‘Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.’  Some symptoms of burnout include feeling overwhelmed and fatigued, the inability to make decisions, and loss of motivation.  ‘Burnout is becoming an epidemic. Coming through the pandemic, burnout is at an all-time high across industries.’ says Nina Nesdoly, from Workplace Clarity; a Work Stress & Burnout Speaker from Ottawa, ON.  Her philosophy is to use the right strategies based on neuroscience to build a less stressful, more sustainable balance.

For many entrepreneurs who rely on their creative skills for work or personal projects (such as artists, writers, musicians, designers, etc) experiencing burnout can be a frustrating and disheartening experience.  When you feel like you’ve hit a creative wall, finding the motivation to create something new or push yourself beyond your current limits can be challenging.  I experienced symptoms of burnout during the pandemic, suffering from incredible pressure as I was responsible for several businesses’ social media as well as total exhaustion similar to many moms who experienced parenting stresses at home.  I knew that I needed to step back and take a break to find my creative inspiration again. (read more about my personal re-discovery here)

A girl feeling exhausted while sitting in a chair.
Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

A creative block can have many root causes and it can be different for each person.  Sometimes the fear of failure or criticism can prevent us from exploring new ideas.  When we’re stressed and overworked, it can be challenging to find the time and energy to be inspired about our work.  When we’re too focused on producing something perfect, it can be challenging to get started or to move past a certain point.  Our creative flow becomes blocked when perfectionism sets in leading to procrastination and self-criticism.  It’s important to recognize that these blocks are a normal part of the creative process and can happen to anyone.  By understanding the root cause of your block, you can develop strategies to overcome it and tap into your inspiration again.

Thankfully, there are many ways to overcome creative burnout and get back into a productive and fulfilling creative routine.  Read on for some tips that can help you recover from creative burnout.


  • Sometimes, the best thing you can do is take a step back and give yourself time to recharge your creative batteries. 
  • Go for a walk, read a book, take a nap or do something else that helps you relax and disconnect from your work


  • Often, creative burnout can be caused by doing the same thing over and over again.  Trying something new can help you break out of your rut and discover new inspiration.
  • Take a new class, try a new medium, or experiment with a different style


  • Collaborating with other creative people can be an excellent way to find new ideas and inspiration.
  • Working with others can also help you get feedback on your work, which can be incredibly helpful when you’re feeling stuck.


  • Inspiration can come from anywhere, but it’s important to actively seek it out.  
  • Look for inspiration in books, movies, art galleries and even on social media 
  • Find what inspires you and incorporate it into your work


  • When you’re feeling burnt out, it can be easy to lose sight of why you started creating in the first place
  • Take some time to reconnect with your passion for your craft and remind yourself of why you love it


  • Sometimes, all you need is a clear goal to work towards.  Set a specific goal for yourself, such as completing a project within a certain time frame, and then focus your energy on achieving that goal.
Take photos of a sunset while relaxing what a dog
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Creative burnout is a common experience for many artists and creative professionals.  However, there are many ways to overcome burnout and find new inspiration.  By taking a break, trying something new collaborating with others, setting goals, seeking inspiration, and reconnecting with your passion, you can get back into a productive and fulfilling creative routine.

When I was at my lowest point, I discovered a project management tool called Asana.  It helped me to organize all of my work helping me to achieve my deadlines, and set and track my business and personal goals.  By working together and setting up Asana in your business, together we can work on reducing stress, improving productivity and staying organized.  Reach out today to discover how we can end the overwhelming stress in your business. Contact